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AOQUN Customizes The Spray Suppression For You


On November 2018, Mr. Xu of Wuhan called us and said he was ready to buy a batch of spray suppression, because he heard that there would be new policies to require trucks to install anti-splash brushes. He just started to get commence with the project, and he didn't have a brush drawing and hoped us to design suitable brushes based on the truck model drawings.

Spray Suppression

After receiving Mr. Xu's drawings, we designed a suitable brush and arranged proofing according to the wheel brow size. After the fender brushes were completed, we even offered our service door to door. The next day after communicating with Mr. Xu, our sales Stacy and our engineers brought samples directly to Mr. Xu for installation and measurements. After installation, the anti-splash brush sample is found to be suitable for the wheel brow. In addition, Stacy also shared the features and advantages of our spray suppression. Listening to Stacy’s cases, Mr. Xu marveled: "The installation effect is very good, I am very satisfied. There are so many places to be payed attention in the small brush. Your introduction just proved you are professional.”

Spray Suppression

When coming back from the business trip, Stacy received a 600 meters spray suppression order from Mr. Xu. He supplemented: "I am so lucky to find you such a good supplier and hope we can work together for long."

Spray Suppression

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