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AOQUN Not Only Teaches You How to Buy A Brush, But Also Teaches You How to Wear A Mask

AOQUN Not Only Teaches You How to Buy A Brush, But Also Teaches You How to Wear A Mask


With the new pneumonia epidemic and the tide of returning to work today, proper protection is an indispensable step in daily life. Wearing a mask can effectively prevent the infection of droplets and air. What‘s the tip to wear a mask? Aoqun tells you:

how to wear a mask correctly, and wear it properly to prevent virus invasion

A few important points here are:

1. Wash hands or disinfect with alcohol before and after wearing a mask


2. The metal wire above the mask must be close to the face


3. Do not touch the dark side of the mask with your hands. This is the area where the bacteria adhere.


Let us be health, small brush, big world, and Aoqun Medical Cleaning Brushes are in the fight against the epidemic!


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