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Brush Door Sweeps Exterior Doors With Good Tensile Strength - AOQUN

Brush Door Sweeps Exterior Doors With Good Tensile Strength - AOQUN


If the brush door sweeps exterior doors only reaches 2 kg in the tensile force, the bristles also easily shed. It should be more than 3kg in tension force on the premise of acceptable brush thickness.

Brush Door Sweeps Exterior Doors 

AOQUN can make brush door sweeps exterior doors with the tension force more than 3 KG and make the samples as per specification and the brush thickness and tensile strength are also up to their company request with 3 days.

Brush Door Sweeps Exterior Doors 

The brush door sweeps exterior doors samples can completely pass customer’s test on the machine, both brush thickness and tensile strength met their using requirements.

Brush Door Sweeps Exterior Doors

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