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Brush Filter Koi Packaging Meet Your Needs - AOQUN


Carmen from the United Kingdom needs to order a batch of brush filter koi, and the packaging needs to be unique because the competition for brush filter koi in the market is very fierce. In addition to the quality of the product, the packaging of the product cannot be ignored, and asked if we can provide unique packaging.

Brush Filter Koi 

Our sales customer service Mary responded promptly after receiving the Carmen email within 1 minute and learned the specifications of the brush filter koi. Carmen's brush filter koi are sold in high-end supermarkets, so packaging must be novel. Mary provided packaging pictures designed for other customers for Mary's reference. Among them, we can customize their brand. In addition, we recommend that a box can be packed with 5 and 10 to meet the purchasing needs of different customers; pictures of brush filter koi need to be printed outside the box. So that customers can feel the quality of the product through the pictures. Carmen was very satisfied with our proposal and paid for samples and carton customization. After one week, we send customized samples and cartons to customers.

Brush Filter Koi 

Carmen is very satisfied with the quality of the brush filter koi and the carton design. She did a trial sale in a local supermarket and achieved good results. 

Brush Filter Koi

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