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Brush Strips For Garage Doors, The Quality Manufacturer - AOQUN

Brush Strips For Garage Doors, The Quality Manufacturer - AOQUN


Some time ago, I received a call from Mr. Li, saying that he has always received complaints from their sales department, saying that the brush strips for garage doors he is responsible for purchasing can not be delivered on time without any communication, resulting in the need for production processing in the later stages, seriously affecting the normal scheduling of the workshop, Mr. Li hopes to re-select a relatively high-quality supplier.

Brush Strips For Garage Doors

Because AOQUN is a large manufacturer of brush strips for garage doors, with advanced machine production equipment, as well as senior management personnel and professional production technicians, we have certain advantages in terms of delivery. When receiving the customer's order, we will first feed back the raw materials needed for the order to the warehouse to confirm whether there is enough stock, and then hand the order to the production department, according to the customer's delivery schedule, strictly follow the scheduling. Planned time execution. If it can't be delivered according to the customer's time, it will be timely feedback to the customer on the day of the order, the two parties will communicate and negotiate, and the delivery schedule will be made with the delivery date confirmed by the customer. After listening to our introduction, Mr. Li said that he would give us a 5,000-meter brush strips for garage doors and ask for delivery within 7 working days.

Brush Strips For Garage Doors

Four days later, we completed the 5,000-meter brush strips for garage doors ahead of time. After receiving the goods, Mr. Li passed the quality department's inspection and fully met the acceptance criteria in terms of quality. Mr. Li expressed recognition for our production capacity.

Brush Strips For Garage Doors

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