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CPAP Brush Guide, Make Your Cleaning Work Smoother - AOQUN


On May 10th I received Tom's email from the United States who has been working in the medical industry for more than 20 years: I need to customize the CPAP brush and provide instructions. Tom knows that Aoqun has been engaged in customizing high-quality mass CPAP brushes for 11 years.

CPAP Brush

Aoqun's product manager customized the product size based on CPAP pipe size. Attached is also attached a very important CPAP brush guide. The user can choose to slide the non-brushed side in and carefully pass it through the hose that has been washed with warm soapy water, and then pull it out; it can also slide the CPAP brush side into the pipe first, However, the main point is to keep the CPAP pipeline as straight as possible, so that the CPAP brush is very smooth when working, reducing the risk of damaging the CPAP pipeline and the brush.

CPAP Brush

Tom is very satisfied with the guide provided by Aoqun for the use of CPAP brush, and has added this on the product box.

CPAP Brush

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