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Cross Shape Gutter Downspout Brush - AOQUN


Do you know cross shape gutter downspout brush? And the difference between such cross shape and round shape gutter downspout brush?

Gutter Downspout Brush 

Cross-shape gutter downspout brush uses PP/PA/PET cross filaments. The angular structure of cross filaments enhances the adsorption capacity of the product, making Aoqun gutter downspout brush easier to intercept particulate than the ordinary filament gutter downspout brush. The cross-shape gutter downspout brush is more significant than the general one. This brush is definitely the best choice for filtering."

Gutter Downspout Brush 

After the gutter downspout brush has used for half a year, its filtering effect is obviously much better than ordinary one.

Gutter Downspout Brush

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