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Door Brush Draught Seal Must Choose The Right AOQUN Factory

Door Brush Draught Seal Must Choose The Right AOQUN Factory


How can I choose the door brush draught seal suitable for my use? Here are the correct options:

1.  First of all, of course, it is the tension. If the door brush draught seal is not fastened, can you still achieve the effect you want?

Door Brush Draught Seal

2. Check whether the door brush draught seal has light leakage. Here, you can basically see whether the light is leaking by observing whether the density is consistent.

3. Check whether the base of the door brush draught seal is corroded.

4. Check whether the protective surface is intact. The base of door brush draught seal is usually galvanized or electroplated, which can protect the base from rust.

Door Brush Draught Seal

The above 4 points can help you quickly buy high-quality door brush draught seals. Aoqun Brush has 20 years of experience in focusing on high-quality and large-volume door brush draught seal customization; it has won 15 nationally recognized brush patents and passed more than 30 European Union patents. A certification; the production process is strictly in accordance with the ISO9001-2015 quality system management requirements. Are you still worried about finding a professional door brush draught seal custom manufacturer? Aoqun Brush Industry can help you.

Door Brush Draught Seal

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