Mr. Ma is a supplier of vacuum cleaner parts. The vacuum cleaner parts produced by his company require a large number of electric vacuum brushes. In order to reduce costs, I have also found some manufacturers in Guangdong, but the quality of the electric vacuum brush products provided is unstable and cannot provide professional reports. Only after listening to the introduction of friends, I found Aoqun.
I learned that Mr. Ma's requirement is that the electric vacuum brush does not shed hair. In response to the customer's request, Ms. Aoqun Chen quickly responded. Ms. Chen said: “Aoqun specializes in the production of electric vacuum brushes, and strictly controls the quality of the products to prevent electric vacuum brush hair loss. The company has industry standard reports such as ROHS and SVHC, so the electric vacuum brushes produced by Aoqun are absolutely absolute. Advantage." After receiving Mr. Ma’s company information, Ms. Chen gave the scanned copy of the report to Mr. Ma.
Mr. Ma told Aoqun Ms. Chen: "We have read your report. This is the electric vacuum brush report we need. After we have the report, we can place an order for you Aoqun."
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