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Filter Brush for Sale – AOQUN


Recently, Mr. Wang, a fish farmer, was very troubled. The seller said this filter brush for sale, Mr. Wang thought it is cheap and buy a lot. It turned out that the newly-purchased filter brush did not play a filtering role. The pool water was too dirty.

Filter Brush for Sale 

Later, Mr. Wang learned that Aoqun is a company that specializes in manufacturing filter brush and the filter brush for sale, too. He called on March 1 to inquire about the details, and AOQUN Liu received him. After learning about Mr. Wang's needs, Xiao Liu recommended to Mr. Wang a green cross-angle filter brush for sale. The bristle has high flexibility, strong bending and restoring force, and strong elastic force, which enhances the adsorption capacity and makes it easier to intercept. Mr. Wang immediately asked for 10 samples to test the effect.

Filter Brush for Sale 

One week later, Mr. Wang called AOQUN again and said that the sample's filtering effect was great. He wanted to order 1,000 filter brush and need to deliver within 7 days. The filter brush for sale now and AOQUN immediately shipped the product after 5 days. Mr. Wang praised that Aoqun was really professional.

Filter Brush for Sale

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