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High Quality Plastic Brush Grommet - AOQUN


Aoqun is a large-volume and high-quality plastic brush grommet manufacturer, specializing in providing you with high-quality plastic brush grommet. In the supply of plastic brush grommet, it also serves the furniture and data center industry leaders, supplying high-quality plastic Brush grommet to major customers in the industry.

Plastic Brush Grommet

I believe everyone knows that the quality of plastic brush grommet required by the furniture and data center industries is very high, because it is related to the speed of the entire network, and the quality of plastic brush grommet is good, and it is to avoid accidents. The plastic brush grommet of Aoqun Brush Company It has excellent production technology, has undergone strict inspections of various processes, and has a systematic and standardized quality management. The first inspection is required before the plastic brush grommet is produced. After the first inspection is passed, mass production can be carried out. During the production process, IPQC also refers to relevant regulations. The specification must be inspected for the first time within two hours to check the tensile force, size and appearance and make relevant records. The plastic brush grommet product shall be inspected by FQC before assembly. The degree of matching shall be checked by QA before shipment. The products are randomly inspected according to the AQL standard, and the inspection stamp can be stamped after the entire batch of products is qualified, and the relevant inspection report will be issued.

Plastic Brush Grommet

Although it is a small plastic brush grommet, Aoqun produced the first plastic brush grommet in the spirit of ingenuity, so it can produce high-quality plastic brush grommet, and so is plastic brush grommet.

Plastic Brush Grommet

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