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How Many Acceptance Criteria Do You Know For Nylon Brush Seal Door Sweep? AOQUN

How Many Acceptance Criteria Do You Know For Nylon Brush Seal Door Sweep? AOQUN


Some nylon brush seal door sweep users have to replace it every few months, but some do not need to replace it for several years. In the final analysis, it is a quality problem. Aoqun Brush has 20 years of experience in the production and customization of nylon brush seal door sweeps. Today I will share with you the quality standards of nylon brush seal door sweeps, so that everyone can buy good quality products.

Nylon Brush Seal Door Sweep 

Pull force is an important criterion to measure the quality of nylon brush seal door sweep. The nylon brush seal door sweep is clamped and pressed by the base, wool and fastening wires. Pull the wool tightly to ensure that it does not shed hair.

The second is the density of hair distribution of nylon brush seal door sweep. The criterion for the density of nylon brush seal door sweep is as follows: the wool filaments are densely distributed and evenly distributed, there is no abnormal light leakage when viewed flat, and there is no obvious gap between the wool filaments.

Nylon Brush Seal Door Sweep 

The third is the base of nylon brush seal door sweep. The base of nylon brush seal door sweep generally chooses electrolytic plate, stainless steel plate and galvanized plate. It is necessary to judge whether the base is corroded during acceptance. Whether there are rust spots on the surface of the metal base, such as the rubber base, check it for obvious aging, cracks, etc.

Fourth, see if the protective surface of nylon brush seal door sweep is intact. The base of nylon brush seal door sweep is usually galvanized or electroplated, which can protect the base from rust. At this time, we need to check the nylon brush seal door sweep base to see if the overall color is consistent, smooth, without color blocks, and no peeling layer.

Do you know the criteria for judging the quality of nylon brush seal door sweep? Aoqun focuses on high-quality high-volume nylon brush seal door sweep product customization, and can customize and supply high-quality nylon brush seal door sweep products of various specifications, sizes, materials, and styles.

Nylon Brush Seal Door Sweep

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