How to Clean The Rifle With 7mm Cleaning Brush? AOQUN


Studies have shown that unclean rifles shorten the life of guns. Rifle's channel is a place where dirt is easy to hide, so it must be cleaned regularly. The following are the steps to clean the rifle with a 7mm cleaning brush:

7mm Cleaning Brush

Add a few drops of washing liquid to the rifle. Use a 7mm cleaning brush to remove the dirt inside the handle. Repeat the cleaning several times. When doing so, please rotate the brush to ensure that all dust is removed from the inside of the rifle, and then wipe it with a cloth.

7mm Cleaning Brush

Aoqun Brush Industry has launched a set of rifle 7mm cleaning brush, which can easily feed the 7mm cleaning brush into the tube and clean it. The shape and size of the 7mm cleaning brush match the tube of the rifle, making it easier to clean.

7mm Cleaning Brush

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