How To Easily Clean Solar Photovoltaic Panels?

April 20,2022.

As there is a mounting concern across the globe to protect the environment, many countries have been or are open to the idea of installing solar panels in their areas to generate their own electricity. Solar panels, also known as photovoltaics (PV) harness the sun's energy using photovoltaic cells and then convert it into electricity. They are a great way to reduce energy costs and also the dependence on fossil fuel which in turn, reduces the environmental impact of the house.

solar photovoltaic panel cleaning brush

Solar Photovoltaic Panel

Do you know that the solar panel can still draw energy even on a cloudy day? Of course, more solar energy can be produced on a sunny day but even on a cloudy day, it can produce around 10 to 20 percent of the power generated on a usual sunny day. Solar panels are installed on rooftops between layers of semiconducting material such as silicon. When the sunlight shines on them, the electrons will create a flow of electricity.

If you have installed solar panels in your home, you would need to keep them clean. In order to generate more power, more light has to hit a panel. The angle of the solar panels on the roof makes them more prone to dust, dirt, leaves, and not to mention birds droppings. All these build-ups cannot be washed off by rainwater and may reduce the amount of light hitting on the panel. This will have an adverse impact on the performance of the solar panels. It is important to clean the solar panels so that they can improve their efficiency and produce maximum electricity.

solar panel photovoltaic cleaning brush

Solar Panel Photovoltaic Cleaning Brush

What Is A Solar Panel Cleaning Rotating Brush?

Made with soft nylon filament, this brush features a stainless steel base and fastening wire that are wound on the central axis. The rotating solar panel brush is attached to a pressure washer to power it. This can save a huge amount of time in the cleaning process and also clean the panels effectively compared to the traditional fixed brushes. The longer the brush diameter, the more areas it can clean in one go. Besides solar panels, this specially designed rotating brush can be mounted onto the cleaning machine to clean exterior walls, billboards and glass roofs, and more. The size of the brush can be customized according to your requirements.

Solar Panel Cleaning Rotary Brushes

Solar Panel Cleaning Rotary Brushes

How To Clean The Solar Panels?

For the power plant, it is vital that you wash the panels with care. You do not want to scratch them with an abrasive sponge or strong chemicals. The best way to clean the panels is to approach them the same way you would clean your car. You can purchase good-quality solar photovoltaic panel cleaning brushes from AOQUN, a leading large-scale brush manufacturer with over 20 years of experience in brush production. One of the best brushes for cleaning solar panels is the Reusable Cleaning Rotating Brush.

For the best solar panel cleaning brushes that will help you to improve quality and productivity, head over to Aoqun Brush Factory .

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