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Looking for 1 1/2 Inch Vacuum Brush -AOQUN


Recently, Jiang Gong, a technician of a vacuum cleaner manufacturer, approached Aoqun and asked if 1 1/2 inch vacuum brush is available.

1 1/2 Inch Vacuum Brush

Ms. Chen Aoqun, who was in charge of the reception, communicated with Jiang Gong in detail about the specifications of the vacuum cleaner, the size of the gap and the desired effect, and directly suggested: Use φ0.3 wool to produce 1 1/2 inch vacuum brush. This suggestion was also adopted by Jiang Gong, and samples were sent for testing on the third day.

1 1/2 Inch Vacuum Brush

After receiving the 1 1/2 inch vacuum brush from Aoqun, Jiang Gong was very satisfied, and the airtightness of the vacuum cleaner was greatly improved.

1 1/2 Inch Vacuum Brush

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