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Round Grommet With Brush, Can You Assemble It Quickly? AOQUN

Round Grommet With Brush, Can You Assemble It Quickly? AOQUN


Are you wondering why the strip brush with the right size is difficult to fit into the round grommet profile easily. Yes, many customers have such questions, why the strip brush is installed in the round grommet, the round grommet with brush wire will be embedded in the aluminum groove, and there will be crooked hairs and stuck hairs. This is the specification is not customized, right? Don't worry, here is the answer for you.

Round Grommet With Brush

In fact, this is not a problem with your specifications, but because the round grommet has sharp corners, it is easy to hook the brush wire when the brush is inserted, so the above-mentioned situation is prone to occur. Let me teach you how to easily install the strip brush into the round grommet with brush.

Round Grommet With Brush

Slightly flatten the edges and corners of one end of the round grommet profile, and then insert the strip brush from the flattened end to easily assemble. The problem of round grommet with brush jamming no longer exists.

Have you learned the quick assembly skills of round grommet with brush? Go ahead and practice!

Round Grommet With Brush

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