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The Creator Of High-End Sealing Brushes For Pet Doors-AOQUN

The Creator Of High-End Sealing Brushes For Pet Doors-AOQUN


Recently, Miss Wei was very troubled by looking for sealing brushes for pet doors. Through many inquiries, she learned that Aoqun is the creator of high-end sealing brushes for pet doors, hoping to help her solve the current difficulties.

Sealing Brushes For Pet Doors

Aoqun’s customer service Mr. Chen patiently listened to Ms. Wei’s explanation. It turns out that she has 6 types of pet doors, so Mr. Chen sent 4 types of sealing brushes for pet doors for her to choose according to the sizes provided by Ms. Wei. In order to reduce Miss Wei's procurement costs.

Sealing Brushes For Pet Doors

Ms. Wei received the samples 3 days later. She was very satisfied with the samples Mr. Chen sent in the past, because Mr. Chen not only sent each fixed frame but also matched sealing brushes for pet doors of different specifications and materials. So that Miss Wei can quickly determine the specifications she wants to customize as soon as she receives the samples, so Miss Wei confirmed the order on the same day and paid the full price.

Sealing Brushes For Pet Doors

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