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What is A Vacuum Cleaner Brushes? AOQUN


What is a vacuum cleaner brushes? is a component installed on the vacuum cleaner, used to seal, create a vacuum cleaning space, effectively absorb dust and fine debris, to achieve the cleaning effect of a vacuum cleaner.

 What is A Vacuum Cleaner Brushes

what is a vacuum cleaner brushes? Now you know it. Aoqun’s tensile force standard for vacuum cleaner brushes is: the tensile strength is measured by taking out the length of the brush in the range of 10mm, the bottom width is 3mm, the tensile force is 6kg, the bottom width is 4mm, the tensile force is 10kg, when the bottom width <3mm or the base When the thickness of the metal sheet is less than 0.5mm and a larger gross thickness is required, it should be agreed according to the actual situation. Therefore, we have strict requirements on the tension of vacuum cleaner brushes, just to achieve the sealing effect.

 What is A Vacuum Cleaner Brushes

What is a vacuum cleaner brushes? Where to find the manufacturer of vacuum cleaner brushes, then come to Aoqun, professional to provide you with large quantities of high-quality vacuum cleaner brushes.

 What is A Vacuum Cleaner Brushes

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