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Why Should The Scrubber Brush Be Chosen Carefully? AOQUN

Why Should The Scrubber Brush Be Chosen Carefully? AOQUN

August 30,2021.

All kinds of terrazzo floors, cement floors, tile floors, and marble floors can use scrubbers. How to prevent the floor scrubber from scratching the floor during work? Choosing the right scrubber brush is the key. We have to choose the matching strip brush according to different floor materials to achieve the best cleaning effect and maximize the product life.

Floor scrubber strip brush

Floor Scrubber Strip Brush

With the development of technology, many industrial scrubbers can be used for multiple purposes as long as they are matched with scrubber strip brushes. For example, PA strip brushes and wool strip brushes are mostly used to clean epoxy floors. The soft brush filaments are not easy to scratch. The lacquered surface can also play a role as a polished mirror surface. For floors such as marble and terrazzo, wear-resistant PBT filaments are often used. The last is the roughest concrete floor, and you can choose a strip brush with a certain hardness.

The price of the scrubber is not cheap. If you choose inferior scrubber brushes and damage the scrubber, it will not be worth the loss. In order to extend the service life of the machine, please use it with a standardized strip brush.

Industrial Floor scrubber strip brushes

Industrial Floor Scrubber Strip Brushes

Aoqun Brush Industry serves more than 30 industries and has its own unique insights in the manufacture of industrial strip brushes. It can customize high-quality industrial strip brushes according to customers' needs and results. We can provide you with customized solutions to eliminate the troubles of the last level of scrubber products.

Strip Brush manufacturer

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